Year 2
A very warm welcome to Year 2
Welcome to Year 2 class page!
Important information:
Homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be returned on the following Friday
PE is on a Thursday and children need to come in their PE kit.
We have an English and Maths lesson every day. We also study other areas of the curriculum such as Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, Computing, PE and RE.
Basic knowledge wallet needs to be in every day.
Please encourage your child to read every day and write a comment to let us know how they found the book. Children who have an AR book (Accelerated Reading Book) may complete a quiz either at home or in school.
Our school day
Start: 8.40 am
Break: 11:15 -11:30 am
Lunch: 12:30- 1:30 pm
Finish: 3:15 pm
School start and end times
We start school promptly at 8.40am, it is important that you are ready for the day so you can improve your spellings and times tables during Basic Knowledge time in the morning.
We finish at 3.15pm.
Year 2 Team
Miss Turner, Miss Mason, Miss Smith and Mrs Hurst