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Primary School

Resilience to Achieve - Aspiration to Succeed

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Culture Day: We celebrated the wealth of cultures in our school community today. Look at our different clothing. We shared our differences today and realised that we are also the same - We explored our favourite food, dances, music and spoke about our homes. We came together as a whole school to celebrate together at the end of the day.

Sports Day - our photos are in our joint class area - go back one page and click on the Rainbow icon 'Reception' - We had a lot of fun!

The Gingerbread Man: We conducted a science experiment to find out why the Gingerbread man did not want to cross the river - we predicted and then spoke about what happened (our results). We decided it was probably for the best that the Gingerbread man did not try and swim across the river!

We also conducted a science investigation using our senses to find out which type of biscuit we would bake for our own story. We spoke about the different biscuits using descriptive language (sweet, hard, rough, crumbly, sticky, spicy) and then chose our preference. As a class, we preferred chocolate biscuits then rich tea and then gingernut. We realised that not everyone likes the same biscuits and we explained our choices.

Peter Pan: We were very lucky and had a drama workshop - we used our imagination alongside Peter Pan to go an adventure and save Peter's treasure from the naughty Captain Hook. We met the ticking crocodile, , blew bubbles, used binoculars and played with silly mermaids and Tinkerbell along the way - spoiler alert (we managed to save the treasure - we were very pleased).

Jack and the beanstalk: This week we explored plants, sewed cress and took our seeds home to see what happened to them (they germinated and began to sprout!), we planted a bean and explored what plants need to thrive. We also made our own beanstalks.

Summer 2: Our learning this week has been based around the story of the Three Little Pigs. We read and acted the story out, planned and designed our own sturdy homes for the pigs using construction and solid and flat shapes. We also explored building the perfect sand castle in preparation for the Summer holidays - we discovered the Science behind making sure our sand stayed in its structure.and solid shapes

Summer 2: Real Life Superheroes- Fire Engine Visit! We were very lucky in Reception we had a special visit from Dagenham Fire Station - we went and looked at the Fire Engine and some of us were very lucky and went inside. We found out all about the different types of equipment on the Engine and what Fire Fighters wear - we had lots of questions and all want to be fire fighters when we grow up!!!

Summer 2: Traditional Tales - Goldilocks and the 3 Bears - unfortunately our class camera has stopped working in the heat so I have limited pictures from this weeks work. We have been busy retelling and acting out the story as well as writing sorry letters and practicing our reading skills ready for year 1. We have also been exploring road safety.

Summer 2: We started the term by continuing our work on Space - we have explored the solar system, gravity and made star biscuits. We have also been consolidating our understanding of number and number bonds to 5.

Summer 1:The King's Coronation: This week we have been learning about the Coronation and Odd and Even - We have enjoyed being King's and Queen's as well as wearing our beautiful crowns.

Summer 1: Superheroes - We began by reading and writing about Superworm (which linked to last terms work on Minibeasts). We also celebrated and learnt about Ramadan and Eid. We finished the term by beginning to explore the real life heroes of space and discussed and listed our trusted people for Safeguarding Week.

Spring 2: Red Nose Day - we moved like animals and played lots of games; Ramadan; Easter and Spring linked to Minibeasts

Our Class Caterpillars to Butterflies

Spring 2: World Book Day; Long and Short; Food Tasting; Days of the Week and the hungry caterpillar; writing; phonics; repeating and symmetrical patterns; bug hotels, counting and sorting legs, identifying, recording and creating habitats- busy, busy, busy!!!!

Our Minibeast Day - We made minibeasts and then learnt about minibeasts (stick insect; giant African snail; millipede; tarantula and scorpion) - some of us were very brave and decided to hold or touch and some of us watched closely.

During Spring Half Term we have explored Chinese New Year; travel (including aeroplane flight, maps and different countries) alongside making sure our brains are happy. We are also beginning to use our phonics in our writing and reading and learning our numbers to 20 and number bonds to 5, shapes and doubling!

RL Christmas Party (see Reception icon on class pages for Christmas Dinner and Performance pictures)

It's beginning to look a lot Christmas (Santa's Sleigh, journey, creating snowflakes and cards)

Exploring the cold weather and how / why ice melts; using our new letter sound and formation knowledge and strengthening our fingers whilst working with our friends; using part/whole models to explore number and creating a pictogram of our favourite colours.

flOAting and sinking, large thinking and building (sofas, bridges and houses), letter and number formation and riding through the Savannah, counting more and less passengers.

Counting and one more, Rainforests High Frequency Words and Letters

Thursday - Children in Need

Learning to use our new climbing frame, Underwater Animals (including being the animal and exploring and ordering size), being proud of our achievements.

Black History, beginning our reading and writing journey, number understanding and working together.

Sharing and Learning together and our Senses

  • “I am very happy with Leys. My daughter’s progress at this school is amazing, I think the teachers are amazing.” (Parent)
  • “I’m starting to love this school! You all have made such great progress and I urge you: Keep up the great work!” (Parent)
  • “The Leys Primary School is a happy and caring place.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils are considerate of each other’s happiness.” (OFSTED)
  • An outstanding learning environment. All the children were engaged with their learning. A very friendly staff. (Borough Adviser)
  • “Pupils behave well in lessons and are respectful and polite around the school.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils respond well to the high expectations of the school.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils enjoy learning and are rightly proud of their work.” (OFSTED)