As part of our Design and Technology work, we have been designing, planning, making and improving a product for our intended user. We made a phone holder for a user of our age which included different stitched, reinforcements and plaiting of materials in order to strengthen therefore being able to take the weight of a phone.
Day and Night
We have been investigating day and night and why it occurs. Here you can see us using clay models to represent the world, a torch to represent the sun and us rotating the Earth on its axis to show how the light moves therefore creating day and night.
As part of our Design and Technology work we have created a model playground. Mr Krog wrote to us and asked us to create a model to give the playground new life and some excitement and link the design to our space topic. We completed some market research for what was already around the school, interviewed our intended users (year 4s) for their opinions and requests. We are hoping it can be created over summer holidays so the year 4s still get two years worth of use!
Royal Festival Hall Trip
We attended a concert put on by London Philharmonic Orchestra at Royal Festival Hall as part of their Bright Sparks Festival. We learnt a piece of music to join in with during the concert as well as having some ideas of orchestra families and formalities of their performances.
Greenwich Trip
As part of our science topic 'Comparing Planets' we visited Greenwich Observatory and Planetarium. We took part in a solar system show within the planetarium with a focus on Venus and Mars. We were able to stand on the meridian line (which we linked back to our latitude and longitude unit) where we were in two different time zones at once! As well as this we visited the museum where we could see different ways time was created and how it is managed across the globe today including planet observations, clock face mechanics, pendulum clocks and modern day digital clocks on phones.
Forces Escape Room
We took part in a Forces escape room which was the final activity for our unit. We had to solve clues, calculate answers and work out the secret code!
Friction Experiment
We conducted an investigation into which surface created more friction and therefore took more force to move along another surface. We used wood, carpet, foam, rubber and sandpaper. Using a Newton meter we were able to measure the force and see which moved easiest. We found the rubber took most force to move which was not surprising when you think of real life examples of when rubber is used to avoid friction - soles of shoes and car tyres are just two examples!
Chromatic Scale
In music we have been looking at the chromatic scale and what the pitch sounds like as it moves up and down the keys. We have used virtual pianos to create an accompanying sound to our song. Have a listen!
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World Book Day 2024
Science Experiments
As part of our science topic on Forces, we have led some science investigations into how gravity works on items of different mass and how surface area of an object affects how air resistance drags the object.
Soup Making
As part of our design and technology work we have researched, designed, created, budgeted, tasted and evaluated a seasonal soup. We looked at vegetables that were in season so they were fresh and cheaper - it also meant we had less impact on the environment for transport and pollution.
5A Orienteering
Year 5 and 6 have taken part in an orienteering experience within our school grounds. This involved looking at a map to follow a trail, having certain check points, recognising some clear reference points and locating clues. This lesson formed part of our PE curriculum of Outdoor Adventurous Activities.
Geography Fieldwork
As part of our local area study of human geography and physical geography, we went for a walk of our local environment to look at the human impact of our choices and how our behaviour has changed our area. We thought about the situation of some of the local amenities and considered why some made good business sense, whilst we also looked at locations that might have more than one service in one given place.
French Compass Points
As part of our new French unit we have started with the French compass points and played some treasure hunt games with our partner by giving directions in French to find the treasure chests!
We have conducted a Science experiment where we have been investigating Chemical Reactions. Two products mixed together to form another product is an irreversible change as a result of a chemical reaction. We mixed milk and vinegar together to create some casein plastic - a substance with a consistency similar to plasticine which we were able to mould. We also started with two liquids but the chemical reaction left us with a solid.
Here you can see some of our final products...some of us made keyrings using paper clips, others moulded the mixture into a shape of their choice.
Christmas Concert
Thank you to everyone who attended our performance. We hope you enjoyed it!
Queen's Hospital Singing
We went to Queen's Hospital and sang some Christmas songs to help raise money for the hospital charities. We had buckets for patients and visitors to drop their money in. 5A raised an incredible total of £361.14. We are so pleased to be able to help the hospital at this time.
In between performing our songs, we met the hospital therapy dog (Zak) and a volunteer owner. the dog goes in to see patients within the hospital to bring some joy. Zak was dressed ready for Christmas in his snowman outfit!
Dissolving Experiment
As part of our Science Day, we set up a dissolving experiment with sugar and salt as the solute, mixed with water as a solvent to create a solution.
Separating Mixtures
We spent a long time trying to separate different mixtures of various items. What methods can you spot? We used filtering, magnets and sieving with various sized holes.
Adding Fractions Practically
We have used different coloured paper to add different fractions seeing how we can make wholes and therefore mixed numbers and improper fractions.
Benin Virtual Workshop
We took part in a workshop led by Horniman Museum about Kingdom of Benin. We looked at artefacts that are kept in the museum, how replicas are made, what Benin is like today as well as having the chance to ask our expert historian any questions we had. This workshop is the finale of our AD900 unit and a culmination of all of our history learning for the past few weeks.
Christmas Pantomime
Benin Mask Making Stage 5
Equivalent Fractions Reasoning
We used different strips of paper and some diagrams to prove how we know these fractions are equivalent. We worked in groups to match given cards and used our reasoning skills to prove how we know our answers are correct.