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Primary School

Resilience to Achieve - Aspiration to Succeed

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Sports Day - we all had a great day today. Our photos are stored under Reception - Year Group (go back one on the tabs).

Aspiration Day: Today we have come to school dressed as what we want to be when we grow up. The job we aspire too. Can you guess our choices?

Wk 38 an 39: During this fortnight we have explored Jack and the Beanstalk, beans growing and time. We have also explore the Gingerbread Man, decorated biscuits and completed a Science experiment to see which liquid makes biscuits soggy. We have also had a little treat and had a pre-watch of year 6's performance - we thought they did brilliantly. We have one week to go and are making our final preparations for Year 1. It is so exciting!!

Week 36 and 37: Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Three Little Pigs: We have had an exciting couple of weeks - all our learning over the last year is coming together and we have explored our two stories by creating story maps, acting out the story, discussing, writing and creating characters, setting and plot. We have also been reinforcing our Maths learning through focusing on different ways to add and subtract. Lastly, we have been having taster lessons in Design and Technology, Art, Geography and Music - all in preparation for our exciting move into KS1.

Week 35: We have started our new topic 'Traditional Tales'. We have been exploring story by reading, creating castles and making number stories. We have also made our Father's Day cards too.

Week 34: We came back to school this week and have carried on learning about Space. We have explored the Solar System and planets. We have made star biscuits and begun to think about being year 1 ready (Can you see us enjoying the BIG playground).

Week 33: Oh my gosh!!! We are at the end of Summer 1. We have one more half term before the children move up to Year 1 - doesn't time fly! This week we have continued exploring real life heroes and learnt about Neil Armstrong and read space fiction (Whatever Next and Astrogirl) before ending our half term with our Superhero day (Please check out the Reception icon for our photos from our fun day). In maths we have spent the week recapping all our terms learning (halving, doubling, odd and even, counting in 2's and numberbonds to 5 and 10).We hope that you have a restful half term and look forward to seeing you all when we come back for our last half term in Reception..

Week 32: This week we explored the past, present and future by learning about the real heroes of Rosa Park, Florence Nightingale and ourselves. We consolidated our understanding of number families 7 8 and 9 and have begun to think about getting year 1 ready during PE.

Week 31: This week we have been using Supertato as our inspirational text. We have created our own superveggies, planted and made Supertato and made a wanted poster to capture evil pea! We have also explored different materials to make a superhero cape from and described our favourites. We have explored odd and even during maths this week. We all think Supertato is very funny.

Week 30: The children have had another exciting week and worked very hard on their writing skills. We have read the book Brave and looked at different ways we are all brave and linked this to settings and characters within stories. We have also then made up our own stories and told them to each other. We have been investing doubling, halving and counting in 2s. We linked our listening skills to working as part of a team using our homemade musical instruments.

Week 29: This week we have carried on exploring the book Superworm and used it to explore our imagination - what has Superworm been? How can we carry the story on? We have also looked at numicon and number composition alongside learning how to complete jigsaws. Lastly we learned about St. Georges Day. A lovely week.

Caterpillars - they are getting bigger and bigger and now are in their cocoons

week 28: Welcome back to the Summer Term. This week we have been resettling into our class community and recapping our prior learning ready to complete new learning. We have introduced our new topic Superheros through Superworm (a minibeast which helps us remember last terms topic). We have thought about what makes a superhero and how real life people are superheros too! We have acted out the story of Superworm and discussed how we can be super people by keeping healthy and getting a good nights sleep. We have also explored numberbonds to 10, sorted insects by characteristics and lastly recapped the seasons. What a busy start to another exciting term.

Week 27: Happy Easter and Eid Mubarak to all our children and families. This week we have been learning about the Christian festival of Easter. We have made easter cards, chocolate nests and taken part in an egg hunt. Our caterpillars have also started the next stage of their life cycle and gone into their cocoons (Miss Elliott has kindly taken then home for Easter and will document what happens - watch this space for when we come back to school).

Week 26: This week we have learnt about Ramadan and spoken about our own experiences. We have been exploring the book 'The Very Quiet Cricket' and learning about verbs and friendship. Within Maths we have consolidated our numbers to 20 and beyond by linking to more/ fewer and addition/subtraction. We have also been reinforcing our reading skills and realising that we need to listen to ourselves so that we can understand what we are reading. Lastly we have watching our caterpillars getting BIGGER and it looks like they are preparing to spin their cocoons very soon.

Week 25: This week we have been exploring the life cycle of the butterfly in more depth (we have had some special visitors arrive in our class to help reinforce our learning). We have also been taking part in science week by learning more about insects and invertebrates and sorting by characteristics and labelling the different parts. Within Maths we explored pattern and symmetry. We have taken part in Red Nose Day on Friday too.

Red Nose Day - we really enjoyed the adult Masked Singer competition in school. Well done Tigar for coming first.

Week 24: This week our topic book was 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. We used this book to explore the days of the week, longer and shorter as well as becoming very familiar with a factual story obout a caterpillar. We also dressed up for World Book Day - see the separate photos below to see our costumes and parade. We also created some lovely Mother's Day Cards and Bouquets.

Week 23: We had a lovely restful half term and have come back to school eager to learn. This week we started our new topic 'all about Minibeasts' (see our special visitor photos in the section below). We have begun to use our phonics to write about experiences this week and we are continuing to consolidate our letters and sounds. In Math's we have been exploring the signs for greater than and less than. We are looking forward to another exciting term.

Week 23: Our Minibeast Visit included a stick insect, hissing cockroaches, giant millipede, a giant snail and a tarantula spider! The children (and staff!!!) were very brave. We have definitely got a few budding zoologists in our class. We have a brilliant time and had a very dood discussion about the different minibeasts.

Week 22: This week was the last week in Spring 1 and we have tasted foods from around the World, celebrated Pancake Day and made cards for Valentines Day. We have been consolidating all our learning from the year so far. We are looking forward to the next half a year too!