Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
We are so excited for our year ahead!
Important information
Our class doors are open at 8.40 am for children to be in class by 8.45 am to start their learning. Children should bring in their basic knowledge wallet every morning to use in class. This should be taken home every day to encourage children to practise the high frequency words and Maths flashcards.
P.E is on a Monday and it is important that children arrive to school with the correct P.E kit with earrings removed or covered with a tape.
Homework will be given on a Friday for it to be completed the following Friday.
Please encourage your child to read everyday! After reading with your child please write a comment in the comments section of your child's reading diary to let us know how they got on.
You will need to sign your child's reading record to let us know that you have read with them at home. This lets us know that they are ready for a new book and we will change it.
Inside children's reading record, is their username and password to access Bug Club.
The more we come to school, the more opportunities we have to learn.
On Friday's we will be celebrating all those who have a 100% attendance throughout the week.
We will have a year group assembly and hold a 'raffle', picking one child from 1I and one child from 1S who has a 100% attendance.
They will also be bringing Mr. Sloth home for the weekend. Please help your child take care of the sloth and encourage them to write in the class book about their weekend adventures. Remember to return the sloth to school on Monday ready for the following week.
Below are useful websites for your child to be accessing.
Useful websites to access at home.
Bug Club-
Oak Academy -
Google Classroom-
ARA Quiz -
Phonics Play -