Welcome to 1S!
We hope you had a good summer break and are ready for learning in YEAR 1.
This Autumn 1 term we will be busy learning about Animals in Science and Free standing structures in DT. We will be reading some great books and practicing numbers place values.
Keep checking this page for more update.
Our investigation around structures
Our drawings of a scene from the story 'Wild'
Role play for 'Wild' using speech bubbles
Music lesson in 1S
We learnt about musical pitch and used musical instruments to explore sounds.
We have chosen drums for our 'Down in the jungle' song and triangles for our 'Twinkle little star' song because those instruments have low and high pitches.
In DT we continue to learn about free standing structures. To understand how structures can be more durable and stable, we have practised our skills of cutting, folding, using a ruler, creasing, rolling up, sticking and joining pieces together.
Science topic 'Animals'
This week we were learning about animals diet. Some new words, such as omnivore, herbivore and carnivore, are hard to pronounce but we have learnt what they mean. Do you now what diet does a wolf have? All children have worked very hard this week to understand the differences between animals diets.
Some of the activities we did were looking at the animals food plates, sorting animals into their correct groups and using a newly learnt subject vocabulary in our books.
Dagenham Parish church visit
We have visited our local church to conclude the topic of Belonging in RE. Children had an opportunity to explore the church grounds and to talk to a vicar and the members of the Christian community about what it means to be a Christian. Children used their senses while exploring their surroundings and were able to reflect on subject related vocabulary.
Exotic animals visit
This half term the children have been learning about Animals, including humans. Some of the areas of learning we have covered were: animal classifications, animals diet, animals characteristics, human senses and body parts.
As an extra curriculum activity we had Exotic animals visiting our year group. The children had an amazing opportunity to meet a white tree frog, a stick insect, a boa constrictor, an owl and a skunk. During the group discussion, the children were able to identify an amphibian, a reptile, a bird, an insect and a mammal and could describe each animals' diet.
Sending love and warm wishes to you and your family this holiday season. May the new year bring you prosperity, happiness, and success.
Welcome back to our class page.
We are here to support you and help you achieve your best. Let's make this year amazing!
Place value in mathematics, properties of common materials in science, English nonfiction books, programming in computing, Sikhism in RE, and health and well-being in PSHE are the topics we are concentrating on this half-term.
The children went on a material hunt in class and throughout the school because they are so eager to learn about commonplace materials. Additionally, we learned about recycling, and some of us liked making our own models out of junk materials. We experimented in class to determine the best non-absorbent, waterproof material to use because our teddy bear needed an umbrella. Teddy is happy!
We studied the value of protecting the environment in English class. Youngsters wrote short poems about the wonders of nature and made posters with the message "Save the planet." We made bird feeders to hang outside in our garden after deciding that birds needed our assistance.
The Treasures
Who will bring me the paper?
''I'', said the tree.
Who will bring me the light?
''I'', said the sun.
Who will bring me the water?
''I'', said the cloud.
Who will bring me the waves?
''I'', said the water.
by Laura
Children have explored the UNCRC as part of our PSHE lesson. We discussed in class what we need to maintain our happiness and health as well as what we would like to have as a treat. In order to reinforce the meaning of children's rights, we worked in groups to sort through widget pictures.
Chinese dance workshop
Leys Primary School is a welcoming, multicultural school that values and celebrates cultural customs.
The year of the snake will begin on January 29, 2025, which is Chinese New Year.
One of the most significant occasions in Chinese culture, the holiday is observed and honored all over the world!
Children in YR1 had the opportunity to take part in an extracurricular Chinese dance workshop in order to get ready for the celebration. Youngsters learned a dance routine, performed a dance with props, and listened to traditional Chinese music. Everyone had a great time!