Today's activities are:
Group 1 - Canoeing
Group 2 - Caving
Group 3 - Mountain walking and gorge walking
Group 1
Today we went canoeing and learnt how to control the canoe on the canal. The weather kept changing but it rained for most of the day. It didn't stop us from making the most out of the experience though. Eventually the wind was too strong when we were trying to canoe into it and so we went the other way down the canal. We also went over an aqueduct!
Group 2
We went on a nice walk that kept us shielded from the rain. We walked to a cave and some of us were apprehensive. As a group, we encouraged each other whilst caving. There were many tight squeezes and we felt proud when we worked our way through the corkscrew.
Group 3
We began the day climbing up a hill, which at times was very windy. We encouraged one another to keep going even though it was tiring. After lunch we went gorge walking. The heavy rain guaranteed we would be wet and the river was flowing very quickly. We had fun floating down the river on our backs using the buoyancy aids to keep us afloat.
In the evening, all groups completed team building exercises. These involved navigating a maze, planning how to get across the room without touching the floor and how to transport balls using pipes..