Odd Socks
Anti Bullying Week
Today we wore odd socks to school to support the fact we are all unique and that we "Say NO to bullying".
We sang the (official) song, designed some odd socks and talked about bullying and what to do in that situation. I am super proud that 1F not only embrace each other's differences but see them as opportunities to learn.

Fruit Tasting
As part of our IPC Topic we are learning about lots of different fruits and vegetables and what better way to start our learning than to taste, smell and touch them. We tried strawberries, kiwis, blueberries, pomegranates, pineapples and passion fruits.
We thought of lots of adjectives to describe the different fruits and have begun writing about them and comparing them.

London Zoo
On Tuesday 5th November we went to The London Zoo and we had... The Best Time! Not only were we the most well behaved school there but we saw lots of animals that we had been learning about in class.
Luckily, nearly all of the animals were wide awake so we saw them moving around and doing different things.

...and then it was time for a nap!!
A sure sign of a good day! I know all of the adults slept well that night!

It's a pirate's life for me....
Pirate day in Year 1
Our new IPC topic is 'Treasure Island'. We had fun 'walking the plank' and taking part in pirate activities to prepare us for our new learning.
Design and Technology Day
We designed a free standing structure to house an animal as part of our IPC topic. We discussed which materials we would use and how to strengthen our designs so that they could stand by themselves.
On Design and Technology day we worked in groups to use different materials and make the houses for the animals. We had to talk about different ways we could improve our structures and test them to see if they stood on their own.

Today we helped to raise awareness for Mental Health by wearing yellow and taking part in World Mental Health Day. We told jokes to make each other laugh and spoke about other ways we can comfort people.

Here are some of our jokes.
-What did zero say to eight? -What do you give a sick bird?
Nice belt! Tweet-ment!
-What wobbles is the sky? -What kind of a key opens a banana?
Jellycopter! A monkey!
-Why can't Cinderella play soccer?
Because she's always running away from the ball!
Sharing Aspirations Ceremony
Today we had a very special ceremony. We all shared our aspirations with each other and placed them on our school weave display by reception to acknowledge the importance of working together. If we all work together at school and at home your child will have all of the support they need to meet their aspirations.
Please enjoy the photos and videos from the ceremony.
Shared my aspirations with my friends

Shared my aspirations with my friends

Shared my aspirations with my friends

Shared my aspirations with my friends

Shared my aspirations with my friends

Shared my aspirations with my friends

Shared my aspirations with my friends

Shared my aspirations with my friends

Shared my aspirations with my friends

Cross Curricular Learning
We have been learning about animals as part of our Science topic and we have been learning about 2D shapes and their properties as part of maths. During our art lesson, we used 2D shapes to learn how to collage animal pictures. The children learnt and used the different skills needed to cut, tear, fringe, twist, curl and shape paper.
They had some in depth discussions about how the animals look and feel different and the effects they would need to use to show this in their art. Some children decided to use triangles to depict the parrot's feathers while others chose to curl and fringe triangles to show the lion's fur.
Using their knowledge of science and maths and their artistic skills the class have produced some fantastic animal collages that will be going on display in the corridor. The finished products generated some amazing adjectives - something we had been learning about in English!!