Hi Year 6,
Please see some activities you can do which meet the requirements of aspects of the PSHE curriculum. I hope you enjoy them.
- Are You A Responsible Person? Questionnaire. Read the statements on the questionnaire and try to answer them as truthfully as possible. Then, complete the box on the back of the questionnaire. It asks you to consider how you feel your sense of responsibility has changed as a result of Coronavirus.
- Dealing with Dilemmas:
- Firstly, check the definition of the meaning of the word ‘dilemma’.
- You can choose to write your answers on the sheet of paper provided in the Hardcopy pack, or if you prefer, you may like to respond to this task in a more creative way. This could be using coloured pens or pencils to draw your response – perhaps in the form of cartoon strip drawings; you might prefer to create a document using computer and copy images / pictures from the internet to illustrate your point.
- You may choose to focus on 3 or 4 of the dilemmas and expand your answers in more detail.
- Finally, as an extension task, consider the dilemma the British government had in deciding to close the schools, factories, businesses as a result of the coronavirus. Do you think it was a dilemma? Did they have a choice? Based on what you have heard on the news and by carrying out some research e.g. CBBC Newsround, explain if you think the government have handled the crisis as well as could be expected. Remember to consider the following: key workers, access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), social distancing; ‘stay at home’ message.
- Relationships: Use the words from ‘Relationship Word Bank’ to create a story board of scenes which have shown positive relationships within your local or wider community during the Coronavirus. An example is the word inspire you could depict someone who has been an inspiration to you or others during lockdown.
Keep well and stay safe Year 6
From Mrs Gough J