Cultural Day
Reception's Sports Day
Which river can the Gingerbread Man cross safely?
Biscuit tasting session: see, feel, hear, touch and taste!
All about plants
Investigating sand castles
This week's story was The Three Little Pigs. We used our description words for the characters to remember what they look like. We practiced drawing some characters and settings for the story, have a look at our shape pictures : we know 2D shapes such as circle, triangle, square and rectangle.
We have learnt that the Big brother pig was very smart because he used a durable material, bricks, to build his own house. During our playtime, we recreated the three houses using straw, sticks and 'bricks'. We used dry sand to build sand castles outdoors but it did not work. So we investigated the difference between the dry and wet sands and learnt how to build a perfect sand castle.
Children had fun learning the Three Little Pigs' song 'Who's afraid of a Big Bad Wolf' from the Disney Symphony story and talked about the music that can represent little pigs and the wolf.
As the Summer holiday approaches, we are starting to think about going to Year 1 and what it may be like to learn in YR1. We have visited the YR1 classroom and talked about similarities and differences between the two settings. We are ready for Year1!!!
Fire engine visit to Reception
Today in class we were discussing the real life heroes and how they help people. We remembered many facts about the firefighters and their equipment, as well as what we learnt about a fire emergency: get out, stay out, call 999. To our surprise a fire engine was passing by and its' crew decided to come and visit us. We had so much fun!
We looked at firefighters kit, their trousers, jacket and a helmet. It is a bit heavy but we were very strong! We also had a look at the fire engine and were allowed to climb on board to check a map on a computer. We had a great day!
Welcome to our Summer 2 term.
This half term we are learning about traditional stories and we have started our story telling journey with 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. We read the story and created the story map which helped us to remember the characters, the setting and the events from the story. Children practised telling the story using the story map from the lesson (Mrs S is a very good artist!). We also had fun role playing the story with friends. Would you like to watch our play?
Here are some activities we did to enhance our learning.
RS Goldilocks and the three bears play

We love being Superheroes! We also love to exercise to become stronger and faster, just like our favourite superheroes, Flash, Hulk and Supergirl.
Long live King Charles!
The King's Coronation: This week we have been learning about the Coronation and Odd and Even - We have enjoyed being King's and Queen's as well as wearing our beautiful crowns.
We began by reading and writing about Superworm (which linked to last terms work on Minibeasts). We did a show for our friends in class remembering actions and words from the story.
Our next story, 'Supertato', helped us to learn about a costume for the superhero and we even designed and created our own Supertatoes!
We also celebrated and learnt about Ramadan and Eid. Some children shared their first hand experiences with peers during our circle time discussion.
Our life cycle of a butterfly observations.
We have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and in class we observed caterpillars turning into cocoons and then butterflies before our own eyes. We looked at minibeasts habitats and made our own Bug Hotels for outdoors.
Children came back to school well rested and ready top learn!
This half term we are learning about Insects and we started our journey with a visit from Exotic Explorers and their minibeasts. Children were very excited to meet them all and there was a lot of pupils' engagement in activities related to what they have experienced on a day: talking about insects, drawing them, playing with them in a lab, reading non-fiction books about all sorts of bugs and creating own props for own imaginary play. Here are some photographs of children engaged in learning...
One of our PSED lessons was focused on being brave and trying new things, including new foods. In the book 'The very hungry caterpillar' the tiny caterpillar ate a juicy green leaf to feel better and so we pretended to be caterpillars and ate some greed vegetables.
All children were brave in tasting small pieces of celery, cabbage, sweet peas, rocket and cucumber. They were able to use vocabulary such as juicy, sweet, crunchy, bitter and hard when describing green vegetables. Later on during their lunch many children helped themselves with a salad bar!! Here is how it went:
This week we have been talking about essential items we need to take for our journey around the world, such as maps, passport, clothes and water. We explored maps, wrote a checklist for our travel and created our own passports which we used in our Travel Agency.
Our first stop, was France.
Bonjour, je m'appelle Mme S.
We continue to learn about our local environment, London and the world.
During our Computing lesson on Thursday, children used Google Earth programme to navigate their way to their own homes and back to school. It is amazing how easy children found their way home!
Welcome back!
This half term Reception will be learning about the world around them starting with their local environment, such as our school and Dagenham area. We will be expanding out knowledge on a global scale by learning about different counties around the world.
This week we learnt about 3D shapes and we used them to build our own 3D plan of Leys Primary school.
The holidays are here!!!
We decorated our tree and our class; we wrote many cards to our friends; we wrapped many 'gifts' and we practised very hard doing our Nativity play. We are very excited to show you our play!
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2023!
The joy of Christmas.
We have been really busy this week!
During our Maths lessons we explored a human scale and were able to identify 'heavy' and 'light'. Some children enjoyed learning about the weight by playing with balancing scales, while others used a child friendly programme to solve the problem using scales.
During our Computing lesson children have learnt how to use a digital camera.
Everyone had a go at taking photographs and, as children got more familiar with the device, the pictures became more
interesting and less blurry. Can you guess which ones were the first tries and which ones are taken later in the day?
This week we are learning how to use our fingers to help us to find out the number that is 'one less than' the given number. We've made our 'number fingers' to support our understanding and took a ride on a safari jeep to find out 'one less' number while singing 'We re going on a safari' song.
This week we have been learning about the technology and digital devices as a part of our Computing curriculum. We went on a learning walk around the school and found a range of devices, from lights and clocks, to computers and microwaves.
This is what we found:
Under the sea
Can you guess what underwater creatures we are?
star fish sea snake
angel fish crab
puffer fish stingray