4. Key Knowledge, Skills, Experiences & Progression
Key Knowledge, Skills and Experiences
Subject leaders, with reference to:
- National Curriculum requirements
- Our Core Values for outstanding teaching & learning
- Our School Creed & Personal Development Goals
…have identified priority key knowledge, skills and experiences (KKSEs) that they will ensure are acquired, practised and used throughout each key stage.
Each subject KKSE sheet details:
- Expectations that key subject knowledge (especially vocabulary) for each year group is acquired & used effectively
- Priority subject generic skills which are to be practised
- Key experiences we want our pupils to have, which take into account our community’s context and the school’s ethos of building resilience & aspiration. They are in line with our core values for effective teaching & learning (C.A.V.E.: CONTEXTUALISED & Adaptable, lessons, rich in subject Vocabulary & a range of Experiences) and should contextualise (& make meaningful) the ‘essence’ of the subject (e.g. first hand & practical/visits/ visitors/ video stimulus / photographs / artefacts / use of specific resources & tools).
Progression Maps
Subject leaders have produced Progression Maps for their subjects, which provide knowledge & skill performance indicators for each year group. This is to ensure appropriate levels of challenge and aid a coherent sequence of learning with increasing depth in subject knowledge & skills.
These ‘KKSEs’ and Progression Maps serve as a planning reference point for teachers and as a monitoring reference point for subject leaders