Welcome to 4T
Welcome to 4T
We all belong to our class community 4T. In our class we are all eager to learn new things and share different experiences together. It's great to have topics that are contextualised and meaningful. We continue to learn a board range of vocabulary throughout all subjects.
Hello Yellow
As part of national mental health day for children we wore yellow and we wrote positive affirmations about ourselves and each other. Here are some samples of our work.
Science Investigation
We did an investigation to find out which areas have the most air pollution. We got 3 pieces of card and put some vaseline on them. Then we placed them in different areas around the school to see which area had the most pollution. Here are some photos of our investigation:
Black History
As part of Black History Month we learnt about some very influential people. Many of the people we learnt about many a huge impact in the world and made great changes to the society. Linda Brown paved the way for Ruby Bridges to attend an all white school. Thurgood Marshall won the Brown vs Board case in 1953.
We read a book called 'The Great Kapow Tree' this book was all about the rainforest and the effects of logging.
Our theme for science was 'Living Things' we learnt about Food Chains, Healthy Eating and The Digestive System.
Pen Licence
In Year 4 we get the privilege to gain a pen licence when we consistently improve our handwriting.
Come and celebrate with us.
We are so proud of ourselves as we have received our pen licence.
In our music lesson we've been using instruments.
Anti-Bullying Week
We have been doing role plays to resolve and prevent bullying. We have discussed ways to get help and who to speak to, what you should do if you feel you are being bullied.
What a Great Achievement!
We like to celebrate each others achievements and today Jenisha got her 'Pen Licence'.
YAY! Jenisha, is so happy she now gets to write in pen.
Iron Man
We are reading a new book during our English lesson and today we did some 'Freeze Frames' of the first time Hogarth saw the Iron Man.
We have started our Art project all about sculpture and flight. We designed our own flight sculptures, then we created them using paper mache.
Flight Sculpture
Here are our finished sculptures that we created.
World Book Day!
We dressed up as our favourite book character. Can you guess who we are?
During our Literacy lesson we have been reading a new book called 'Firebird' We listened to ‘Dance of the Firebird’ from Stravinsky’s suite of music entitled ‘The Firebird’. This piece of music was inspired by the story of ‘The Firebird’ and written for a ballet of the same name. We created a movement piece of the way in which the Firebird flies through the air as Prince Ivan tries to capture it.
This term our topic is 'Sound'. We carried out four different experiments to investigate how sound travels. Take a look at our exciting explorations.
Pen Licence
Noah and Rachel have earned their pen licence.