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Primary School

Resilience to Achieve - Aspiration to Succeed

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Today we had our Sports Day and it was so much fun!

Children behaved really well and followed instructions to the dot. As a result everyone enjoyed the day in the sun and was happy to receive the medal.

Thank you to all parents for cheering and supporting children in every race.


The Gruffalo

1S enjoyed walking through the forest looking for the characters from the story and joining in with the hands on activities such as a seed hunt for the squirrel, building a house for the mouse, cooking a Gruffalo crumble and playing hide and seek with a fox.

We had an amazing day outdoors and many children wished to come back to the forest for more fun adventures.


Art is one of 1S's favourite subjects! We are not only painting and drawing, but we are also learning about some famous artists, such as Vincent Van Gough and Claude Monet. We are so good in understanding their work and style, that can easily identify their paintings in the millions! We know how to compare the two paintings and now can share our opinion on art work.

In Geography, 1S learnt about the physical and human features. We are very good at spotting them and explaining what they are as we had a lot of practice during the lessons and during our local trip to Beams Parklands.

We continued to link our learning about the environment around us with the book 'Pattan's pumpkin' and by looking and comparing Dagenham in England and Kerala region in India. 

Further more, we used atlases to discover oceans and continent on our planet Earth.

Our next topic was 'Plants' and we were excited to learn because it was practical learning.

We learnt about the plant's parts and we found out what it needs to grow by doing an experiment. Now we know about ever green and deciduous plants, we found some of them in our playground. 

At the start of our topic, we only knew 5 different types of flowers, but by the end of the topic, we could name 15!!!!

How many can you name?

We enjoyed learning about plants. We had so much fun using our creative skills to paint and to make some different flowers.

Painting flowers

Making different types of flowers

Investigating the plants

Learning about ever green and deciduous plants

Planting the cress seeds

                           HOORAY FOR THE WORLD BOOK DAY!

We had so much fun reading and talking about our favourite book! Can you recognise what are we dressed like?

In February we had a visitor who taught us about traffic safety. We practised the song to remember what to do when we need to cross the road and why it is very important to be safe near the traffic.

Here are the verses for the song.... Keep practising!!

Which umbrella is useful in a rain?

In our science lessons, we talked about materials and their properties as well as identifying natural and man-made materials. During our discussions, we understood that an umbrella has a purpose to shield a person from the rain and therefore the material for it must be waterproof. We used our scientific experiments to find out the properties of some materials.


During our Computing lessons, we have learnt about directions and instruction as a start of programing topic. We have used the bee-bots and practiced giving instructions to the robot using keys.

新年快乐 (xīnnián kuàilè) – “Happy New Year”


This week, the children were learning about Chinese lunar calendar and took part some fun activities such as Chinese dragon dance workshop, vegetable stir fry food tasting and sequencing the Chinese New Year story.

Here are some highlights for the week...


What is it?

In English, we were learning about animals, their body parts' functions and amazing abilities, such as camouflage and echolocation. Using our imagination and creativity we created our own unique creatures, some strange looking, others more familiar. We used labels, captions and sentences to describe our creatures.


This half term during our Art lessons we have explored sculptures. We have learnt about sculptures around the word, talked about materials that can be used for sculptures and used clay to create our own sculptures. Children had lots of fun using molding clay  and paints for their models.

Painting sculptures

Conductive Music 

Class 1S took part in a Conductive Music workshop which involved using technology to compose, edit and create a piece of music. Children gained an understanding of how electricity can help make music. 


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

For the past few weeks children have been focusing their learning around the topic of helping the planet using a book written by M. Walsh '10 things I can do to help the world'.

In English children created an interactive poster to share their ideas of how every one can help to save the planet and in Science, we are learning about materials and their characteristics. Children learn the new vocabulary and are able to explain the meaning of words such as environment, materials, instructions, compass and directions.

Welcome back!

This half term has just began and we have started out learning journey by creating statues using our imagination and skills. Our recent lessons on 3D shapes have helped us to remember a shape's characteristics while making our models. We chose animals and humans as models and discussed their features during the circle time. At last, we have painted our statues ready to be displayed.

Thank you to all our parents and carers for your support this term and we wish you all a relaxing, enjoyable and Merry Christmas.

We read 'How to find gold' by Viviane Schwartz and imagined our own sea monsters. We described our monsters using a range of adjectives.

11.11.23 Remembrance Day

Music lesson. What is a beat?

Using a number line to find a missing number

Practising our cutting skills using a claw grip

Fruit tasting session: which fruit I would like for my fruit kebab?

Design and Technology investigation on vegetables: look, smell, feel, taste, hear

The contextualised vocabulary practice during the lesson. Working in teams to remember the meanings of words.

Designing our bird houses

Continue working on our free standing structures

Structure investigation around the school

Moving like animals. Can you guess what we are?

  • “I am very happy with Leys. My daughter’s progress at this school is amazing, I think the teachers are amazing.” (Parent)
  • “I’m starting to love this school! You all have made such great progress and I urge you: Keep up the great work!” (Parent)
  • “The Leys Primary School is a happy and caring place.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils are considerate of each other’s happiness.” (OFSTED)
  • An outstanding learning environment. All the children were engaged with their learning. A very friendly staff. (Borough Adviser)
  • “Pupils behave well in lessons and are respectful and polite around the school.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils respond well to the high expectations of the school.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils enjoy learning and are rightly proud of their work.” (OFSTED)