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Primary School

Resilience to Achieve - Aspiration to Succeed

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Year 4



We have also added some Spelling and Grammar Bug to your profiles so please be sure to try these out and see what you can do! 


Also remember all the links we showed you for different lessons and activities at home are right at the bottom of this page. Have an explore and see what you can learn! 


Any issues with logging on to any system - Bug Club, TT Rockstars or Class Blog email front office at any point and your log on can be emailed to you at some point that week! Please bear with us! 

Below is a link that includes a number of lessons for all of your normal school subjects. They are interactive lessons with instructions, videos and tasks to complete. Make sure you complete the lessons in order as they will help the progress of your learning. These lessons are in addition to what Miss Ashby and Mr De la Cruz are uploading as your home learning tasks. 

Home Learning - Summer 2 

Week beginning 6th July


While you are at home there are some ongoing tasks you could try: keep a diary of what you are doing to pass the time – this will be good to look back on one day also keep a food diary and try to learn where in the world your food is coming from. Keep up with your times tables, basic knowledge and reading. Work through the spelling lists on the website and get a head start on the next lists.  We were also supposed to start our new unit called All Aboard which is all about transport – particularly trains so some of the topic work will relate to this.


PE-Joe Wicks 9am Live on Youtube or Cosmic Yoga classes


Grammar Test - if you can't print it, just read the question, have a go on a piece of paper

English - reading comprehension. Read through and answer the questions. Remember the more stars at the bottom the harder the questions are. Have a go at summarising the text into bullet points.
Maths - this week you are looking at money including pounds and pence. Remember you don't use both £ and p in one answer. 
Topic - Who is Thomas Edison? What difference did he make to our lives? How would lives be different today without his invention?
Art- the link below is part of an activity that is part of a competition- when you return to school bring it with you and there will be 3 winners announced. 

Home Learning - Summer 2 

Week beginning 29th June


While you are at home there are some ongoing tasks you could try: keep a diary of what you are doing to pass the time – this will be good to look back on one day also keep a food diary and try to learn where in the world your food is coming from. Keep up with your times tables, basic knowledge and reading. Work through the spelling lists on the website and get a head start on the next lists.  We were also supposed to start our new unit called All Aboard which is all about transport – particularly trains so some of the topic work will relate to this.


PE-Joe Wicks 9am Live on Youtube or Cosmic Yoga classes


Grammar Test - if you can't print it, just read the question, have a go on a piece of paper

English - reading comprehension. Read through and answer the questions. Remember the more stars at the bottom the harder the questions are. Have a go at summarising the text into bullet points.
Maths - this week your topic is co-ordinates. Remember the first number in the co-ordinate is the number across and the second number is up or down (along the corridor and up the stairs)
Topic - Having looked through the powerpoint and thought about what makes a good advert, now you are going to try and design the packaging and an advert for a torch. You will need to include key information about what makes the circuit work. Include drawings on the back of the packaging to explain this. Think about colouring, who your audience is and how you can explain this to your buyers.
Art- the link below is part of an activity that is part of a competition- when you return to school bring it with you and there will be 3 winners announced. 

Home Learning - Summer 2 

Week beginning 22nd June


While you are at home there are some ongoing tasks you could try: keep a diary of what you are doing to pass the time – this will be good to look back on one day also keep a food diary and try to learn where in the world your food is coming from. Keep up with your times tables, basic knowledge and reading. Work through the spelling lists on the website and get a head start on the next lists.  We were also supposed to start our new unit called All Aboard which is all about transport – particularly trains so some of the topic work will relate to this.


PE-Joe Wicks 9am Live on Youtube or Cosmic Yoga classes


Grammar Test - if you can't print it, just read the question, have a go on a piece of paper

English - reading comprehension. Read through and answer the questions. Remember the more stars at the bottom the harder the questions are. Have a go at summarising the text into bullet points.
Maths - the powerpoint here will help you most so needs to be your starting point. Check that you know what a line graph looks like and what it would show you. Then have a go at some of the questions on the sheets. 
Topic - have a go at these sheets which involve working out if the circuits would actually work and how to solve them if not. Remember what the symbols mean from last week.
Maybe you would like to try some French lessons. The link below takes you to lessons on YouTube to help you with pronunciation. Try and get ahead if you can!

Home Learning - Summer 2 

Week beginning 15th June


While you are at home there are some ongoing tasks you could try: keep a diary of what you are doing to pass the time – this will be good to look back on one day also keep a food diary and try to learn where in the world your food is coming from. Keep up with your times tables, basic knowledge and reading. Work through the spelling lists on the website and get a head start on the next lists.  We were also supposed to start our new unit called All Aboard which is all about transport – particularly trains so some of the topic work will relate to this.


PE-Joe Wicks 9am Live on Youtube


Grammar Test - if you can't print it, just read the question, have a go on a piece of paper

English - have a go at writing and performing a poem. Think about how you would want your poem performed to an audience. Have an experiment with different tones of voice, speed and volume. 
Maths - there are some 3D shape nets here that you can experiment with. Think about what the nets look like and what 2D shapes are involved in it. 
Topic - go through the powerpoint about electricity symbols and then have a go at the worksheets with matching symbols. 
Maybe you would like to try some French lessons. The link below takes you to lessons on YouTube to help you with pronunciation. Try and get ahead if you can!

Home Learning - Summer 2 

Week beginning 8th June


While you are at home there are some ongoing tasks you could try: keep a diary of what you are doing to pass the time – this will be good to look back on one day also keep a food diary and try to learn where in the world your food is coming from. Keep up with your times tables, basic knowledge and reading. Work through the spelling lists on the website and get a head start on the next lists.  We were also supposed to start our new unit called All Aboard which is all about transport – particularly trains so some of the topic work will relate to this.


PE-Joe Wicks 9am Live on Youtube


Grammar Test - if you can't print it, just read the question, have a go on a piece of paper

English - Read through these three poems all about wind. What do you notice? What is similar and different? Write a couple of paragraphs. Paragraph 1 tell us what you like about each poem. Paragraph 2 what do you think is similar between the three poems? Paragraph 3 what do you think is different between the three poems?

Once you have made the comparison and written your piece, try and write your own poem about the wind. Just two stanzas but explain how you feel, what you can see/feel/hear in and from the wind.

Maths - have a look through this booklet all about 2D shapes. What questions can you answer? Look at the answer booklet for methods as well as answers. 

Topic - here you have a reading comprehension as a baseline for some information about Electricity. Remember the harder the text and questions the more stars there are at the bottom of the sheets. Don't do all three sets of questions - pick your level. 

The other task is to think about what is electrical and what isn't. Think about how many things you use from the list and how often you use them. If you can't cut and stick just write lists on some paper. 

Maybe you would like to try some French lessons. The link below takes you to lessons on YouTube to help you with pronunciation. Try and get ahead if you can!

Home Learning - Summer 2 

Week beginning 1st June


While you are at home there are some ongoing tasks you could try: keep a diary of what you are doing to pass the time – this will be good to look back on one day also keep a food diary and try to learn where in the world your food is coming from. Keep up with your times tables, basic knowledge and reading. Work through the spelling lists on the website and get a head start on the next lists.  We were also supposed to start our new unit called All Aboard which is all about transport – particularly trains so some of the topic work will relate to this.


PE-Joe Wicks 9am Live on Youtube


Grammar Test - if you can't print it, just read the question, have a go on a piece of paper

English - Have a look through the powerpoint about the different types of poetry and what they all mean. Have a go at writing some of these – experiment and enjoy that.


Then look at the second powerpoint and complete the tasks using your knowledge from your previous task mentioned above.

Maths - this week have a look through these questions and try and interpret the graphs as well as thinking about how different data might be presented once it has been collected. 

Topic - this week we would have been starting our new topic called Bright Sparks which is all about Electricity. Write a list of everything you already know about Electricity as well as things you would like to find out. 


Here I have uploaded a wordsearch of some keywords you will need to learn and then a task to think about what electricity items are essential and non-essential. 

Maybe you would like to try some French lessons. The link below takes you to lessons on YouTube to help you with pronunciation. Try and get ahead if you can!

Home Learning - Summer 1 

Week beginning 18th May


While you are at home there are some ongoing tasks you could try: keep a diary of what you are doing to pass the time – this will be good to look back on one day also keep a food diary and try to learn where in the world your food is coming from. Keep up with your times tables, basic knowledge and reading. Work through the spelling lists on the website and get a head start on the next lists.  We were also supposed to start our new unit called All Aboard which is all about transport – particularly trains so some of the topic work will relate to this.


PE-Joe Wicks 9am Live on Youtube


Grammar Sheet - if you can't print it, just read the question, have a go on a piece of paper

Pretend this is your independent writing stimulus so throughout the week make sure you plan, draft, up level, write in best, edit. This writing can be fiction, poetry, non fiction, letter, persuasive, advert, anything that inspires you.
Maths - there's lots to choose from this week! There are different multiplication and division questions and word problems to look through and choose what you think you are able to complete. Remember grid method, column method for multiplication and then bus stop for division. 
Topic - Look at these two adverts for South Western Railway one is centuries old, and one is modern. Can you notice the differences? What differences and similarities are there?Look at these two adverts for South Western Railway one is centuries old, and one is modern. Can you notice the differences? What differences and similarities are there? Write a paragraph explaining this.

You must recognise this logo. It is for the London Underground stations.

Can you recreate this using collage technique? Cut up some magazines or newspapers, tissue paper, coloured paper. Make the red bits red and the blue bits blue!

Maybe you would like to try some French lessons. The link below takes you to lessons on YouTube to help you with pronunciation. Try and get ahead if you can!

Home Learning - Summer 1 

Week beginning 11th May


While you are at home there are some ongoing tasks you could try: keep a diary of what you are doing to pass the time – this will be good to look back on one day also keep a food diary and try to learn where in the world your food is coming from. Keep up with your times tables, basic knowledge and reading. Work through the spelling lists on the website and get a head start on the next lists.  We were also supposed to start our new unit called All Aboard which is all about transport – particularly trains so some of the topic work will relate to this.


PE-Joe Wicks 9am Live on Youtube


Grammar Sheet - if you can't print it, just read the question, have a go on a piece of paper

Pretend this is your independent writing stimulus so throughout the week make sure you plan, draft, up level, write in best, edit. This writing can be fiction, poetry, non fiction, letter, persuasive, advert, anything that inspires you.
Maths - these documents will help you with your knowledge and understanding of angles. The powerpoint will help you with key word revision as well as teaching you some new language, concepts and methods. The other documents are questions that can help you apply this knowledge. 
Topic - have a read through the powerpoint about different movements within art, see what movements there are in art, have a go at the activities within the powerpoint, Then look at the futurism trains document full of examples of different pieces of art that are based on trains. Which ones can you recreate?

Home Learning - Summer 1 

Week beginning 4th May


While you are at home there are some ongoing tasks you could try: keep a diary of what you are doing to pass the time – this will be good to look back on one day also keep a food diary and try to learn where in the world your food is coming from. Keep up with your times tables, basic knowledge and reading. Work through the spelling lists on the website and get a head start on the next lists.  We were also supposed to start our new unit called All Aboard which is all about transport – particularly trains so some of the topic work will relate to this.


PE-Joe Wicks 9am Live on Youtube


Grammar Sheet - if you can't print it, just read the question, have a go on a piece of paper

Pretend this is your independent writing stimulus so throughout the week make sure you plan, draft, up level, write in best, edit. This writing can be fiction, poetry, non fiction, letter, persuasive, advert, anything that inspires you.
Maths - have a go at these fractions sheets. Remember your key words - numerator, denominator, equivalent, improper.  Make sure you read the questions carefully. The assessment sheet is just a way of wording the questions differently for you, they aren't to be completed as a test - they are like the next step questions we give you in your books. 
Topic - Think about some people and characters who will be affected in different ways, and decide whether they would be for or against a new railway being built near your town. Whether a farmer, landowner, school teacher, doctor – how would the railway affect YOU? Use speaking and listening skills with other people at home to discuss the diverse points of view of other people, and decide if you have changed your mind!


Write a persuasive letter to the local council telling your points of view and your main arguments. Think of the pros and cons for and against the railway and what you want to happen about it now.

Home Learning - Summer 1 

Week beginning 27th April 


While you are at home there are some ongoing tasks you could try: keep a diary of what you are doing to pass the time – this will be good to look back on one day also keep a food diary and try to learn where in the world your food is coming from. Keep up with your times tables, basic knowledge and reading. Work through the spelling lists on the website and get a head start on the next lists.  We were also supposed to start our new unit called All Aboard which is all about transport – particularly trains so some of the topic work will relate to this.


PE-Joe Wicks 9am Live on Youtube


Grammar Sheet - if you can't print it, just read the question, have a go on a piece of paper
Pretend this is your independent writing stimulus so throughout the week make sure you plan, draft, up level, write in best, edit. This writing can be fiction, poetry, non fiction, letter, persuasive, advert, anything that inspires you.
Maths - try some column addition and subtraction.  Remember to line your columns up correctly and try and use the inverse to check your answers before looking at the answer sheet! The challenge cards are tricky - read them carefully.



If we were at school this week, we would research James Watt, Richard Trevithick, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, William Hedley, Stephenson’s Rocket, Thomas Savery. You will need to do this yourself and  make notes on their discovery, inventions and the impact this had on the railways we know today. Write a couple of paragraphs explaining who you think is the ‘father of the railway’. Who was the one who made the biggest impact? Who officially invented the trains? Which of these men were needed most? Come up with your own ideas and opinions on this.


Discuss with your adults at home – who is that father of the railway?


Use the links below to help with your research and to help you formulate your opinion.

Home Learning - Summer 1 

Week beginning 20th April 


While you are at home there are some ongoing tasks you could try: keep a diary of what you are doing to pass the time – this will be good to look back on one day also keep a food diary and try to learn where in the world your food is coming from. Keep up with your times tables, basic knowledge and reading. Work through the spelling lists on the website and get a head start on the next lists.  We were also supposed to start our new unit called All Aboard which is all about transport – particularly trains so some of the topic work will relate to this.


PE-Joe Wicks 9am Live on Youtube

Grammar Sheet - if you can't print it, just read the question, have a go on a piece of paper

Pretend this is your independent writing stimulus so throughout the week make sure you plan, draft, up level, write in best, edit. This writing can be fiction, poetry, non fiction, letter, persuasive, advert, anything that inspires you.

Maths - try perimeter. Remember perimeter is the measurement of the outside of a shape or an area. Try the rectilinear sheet - they get harder as you go through that document and then there are word problems in the other document. 
Topic Work - read through the sheets, have a go at creating the timeline based on the facts in the powerpoint and then read the fact cards and use these to fill in the gaps in the text boxes.  If you have no printer, try these on paper. 


Please see the documents below for the details of your PSHE work.  


Learning from home links...

Welcome to year 4!


Homework for year 4 will be set on a Monday and collected the following Monday.  (Reading, Writing, Maths)


Spelling tests will be done on a Thursday morning. 


Library books will be changed on alternate Mondays. 


PE will take place on a Thursday - come to school in PE kit. 


Basic knowledge wallets, reading books and reading records should be brought into school every day. 



Sping 2


Our themes for this half term are Temples Tombs and Treasures and Turn It Up!  We will be looking at Ancient Egypt and their lifestyle, as well as Ancient Sumer and experimenting with replicating mummification and some art work. We till also be completing lots of science work about sound, how we hear and what makes a sound different. 


Our English focus will follow an adventurous theme, with Spiderwick Chronicles and some poetry including appropriate grammar work. 


Our Maths will include fractions, shape as well as number for this half term. 


We will also be following ideas of Personal Development across the curriculum. 

  • “I am very happy with Leys. My daughter’s progress at this school is amazing, I think the teachers are amazing.” (Parent)
  • “I’m starting to love this school! You all have made such great progress and I urge you: Keep up the great work!” (Parent)
  • “The Leys Primary School is a happy and caring place.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils are considerate of each other’s happiness.” (OFSTED)
  • An outstanding learning environment. All the children were engaged with their learning. A very friendly staff. (Borough Adviser)
  • “Pupils behave well in lessons and are respectful and polite around the school.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils respond well to the high expectations of the school.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils enjoy learning and are rightly proud of their work.” (OFSTED)