Year 4
Spring 2
Welcome back everyone and well done for the way you have all returned to school and your learning.
We have completed our Gateways to the World unit. Our focus now will be on Sound-in science and music.
We will also look at Easter and spring festivals.
The Firebird is our English text for the rest of the term.
In Maths we have concentrated on fractions and decimals and this will be consolidated before the end of term.
Computing has been on Website design- you may want to look at them via Google Classroom.
Another focus is ensuring everyone maintains their high standards of presentation- just in case lockdown made them a bit rusty!
MyOn seems to have been a success which we hope to hear more about.
Live Meetings
In year 4, we are going to trial a 10 minute live session as part of our end of week reflection. Each class will be offered it on a fortnightly basis instead of their end of week session. It will be an opportunity for the children to spend a little bit of time face to face with their teacher and classmates. The session will be recorded and uploaded to that classes stream so that children who were unable to attend can view.
Our first two sessions will be:
4D - 22/01/21 at 2.30 -2.40pm
4L - 29/01/21 at 2.30 - 2.40pm
Remote Learning Tips and How to Use Google Classroom on an Xbox and PS4
January 2021 School Lockdown:
Year 4
Please go to Google Classroom - lessons are now available for year 4. They will be changed daily. Please contact the school if you have any issues.
The school user agreement concerning online content is attached and also available via the remote learning link on this website.
School expectations - We understand that remote learning is a challenge for all the family and as such we are providing a number of pathways for children to access and discuss learning using messaging, email and blogging. School work is being set daily via Google Classroom we ask that (where possible) completed work is seen by us online and turned in. This can be achieved by working on paper and photographing and then uploading to the assignment (see the instructions available under remote learning on the school website) or commenting directly on each assignment or uploading created documents before pressing the turn in button. If you need help with Google Classroom, there are help guides available via the remote learning link on the school website.
We understand that a number of children are sharing devices or have limited time and from Monday we will begin to signpost the BBC learning programmes which will be available on the TV everyday as well as creating a learning pack of sheets where necessary.
Over the next few weeks we will begin the process of contacting children to check on how they are and how they are finding the learning. You are welcome to use your child's Google Classroom Private Comments or email as well as the school office contact details if you have any queries concerning your child or their learning.
Stay safe and kind regards,
Miss Lockyer and Mr De la Cruz
Class Admin:
Class Teacher: Mr De la Cruz
Shared Teaching Assistant: Miss Egan
PE Day: Tuesday (Children to be dressed in PE kits)
Homework: Due Thursdays - check Google Classroom
Home Reading: Start Date to be confirmed
School Start: 8.40 AM
School End: 2.50 PM
Class Teacher: Miss Lockyer
Shared Teaching Assistant: Miss Egan
PE Day: Tuesday (Children to be dressed in PE kits)
Homework: Due Thursdays - Check Google Classroom
Home Reading: Start Date to be confirmed
School Start: 8.40 AM
School End: 2.50 PM
Year 4
Christmas Class Performances: We are pleased to announce that the class performances can now be viewed - please go to the video resource centre link at the bottom of the pull down menu on the children's menu tab. We hope that you are pleased - we thought the children did very well indeed.
Autumn 1 and 2
During Autumn 1 and 2 we have used texts which have explored the nature of the environment and natural habitats (The Great Kapok Tree and The Shaman's Apprentice) which linked to our Science unit on the environment and living things.
Moving forward through the term we will also be exploring space through our texts and science work. Our current text is 'Counting on Katherine'.
Maths this half term will follow the White Rose Maths Scheme we have explored addition and subtraction and now we are working on multiplication and division. We have also worked on measure including perimeter. We will also explore the winter festivals as they occur.
Autumn 1
Welcome to Year 4 and well done to all of you for your successful return to school.
At Leys we believe that every child counts and as such we initially based our half term curriculum on a book which explored how our world view and our place in it has evolved, and been shaped and influenced by events during this unusual period.
The activities included:
- •Developing a sense of themselves as citizens of the world and belonging to a wider community
- •Providing them with a sense of agency
- •Inspiring them to contribute to making the world around them a better place