Ancient Egyptian Workshop
We had the best day! We learnt so much from Mr Makin. We loved participating in the games and activities. Memories were made
Stoneford Community Garden
The rain did not stop us today! We visited Stoneford Community Garden to celebrate finishing our text ‘Charlotte’s Web’. We learnt a lot about the history of the house and garden. We explored the garden and outer buildings looking for webs. We also had a go at creating our own webs and enjoyed a picnic lunch with our friends and Teachers. We had a lovely afternoon.
Stonefield Community Garden is open to the public from 3:15 on a Wednesday Term Time. It is also open on Thursday at 11:00 during Half Term. It is free of charge.
Check them out on Instagram: stonefordnt
Stoneford Community Garden
Recycling Workshop
Chinese New Year Dance Workshop We had great fun at the workshop today
Remote Learning
Here is a link which shows interesting videos about topics we have been practicing in our Grammar lessons. (Conjunctions and Homophones)
Please practice your timetables using 'Hit the Button' and TTRS.
Our new topic for Science will be all about plants, have a look at these cool videos about what plants need to grow!
In Geography we are exploring Biomes, have a look at these videos about what biomes are.
Can you remember the different shapes and colors in French?
In R.E. we have been exploring different Jewish festivals. Can you remember the different objects they use and the different foods they eat?
We had fun exploring how water contributes to the weathering of rocks.
We used Granite, Chalk and Standstone in our investigation. We weighed the rocks before we left them in water overnight and then weighed them again, to see what rock was the most permeable.
Can you predict what rock was the most permeable?
We can explain what permeable means if that helps
Tuesday 17th October 2023
This Half Term in French we have been learning French greetings.
We had fun making finger puppets and singing this rhyme.
Design and Technology
We enjoyed tasting different bread products and comparing them. This helped us to choose the bread product for our healthy snack we will be making.
As part of our Science work we have been learning about the five key food groups.
We had fun sorting the food and drinks into snacks we can eat every day and snacks we should eat occasionally as a treat, some were harder to sort than others.
See if your child can remember the five key food groups