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Primary School

Resilience to Achieve - Aspiration to Succeed

Contact Details


Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!!!

Important information:

PE is on a Thursday so please remember to dress children in the correct uniform - They may be outside so make sure they have their outdoor kit available. Please ensure cardigans, jumpers and coats have names in.

Basic knowledge wallet needs to be in every day.

Please encourage your child to read every day and write a comment to let us know how they found the book.


As we complete work, we will be adding photos and information on the school website, please check our class pages for updates.  Lastly, a focus needs to be on learning timetables in preparation for the multiplication test at the end of year 4.


Remote learning/helpful website links.


Multiplication Check - Try it out


Ttrockstars to help with timestables. 


Top marks -


MTC Pinpoint-


Hit the button-


Maths Frame -


Bug Club-


Oak Academy year 4- Grammar-


Oak Academy Year 4 -Science states of matter-





  • “I am very happy with Leys. My daughter’s progress at this school is amazing, I think the teachers are amazing.” (Parent)
  • “I’m starting to love this school! You all have made such great progress and I urge you: Keep up the great work!” (Parent)
  • “The Leys Primary School is a happy and caring place.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils are considerate of each other’s happiness.” (OFSTED)
  • An outstanding learning environment. All the children were engaged with their learning. A very friendly staff. (Borough Adviser)
  • “Pupils behave well in lessons and are respectful and polite around the school.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils respond well to the high expectations of the school.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils enjoy learning and are rightly proud of their work.” (OFSTED)