Autumn 1
We are very pleased to welcome you at the beginning of the new school year. We have been busy settling into our new classes and have been making new friends.
Our topic this term is 'All About Me' and we will be learning about ourselves and our family. This will include learning about our families, our bodies and feelings and our family occupations (e.g. chef, gardener, artist). Some of our activities will include cooking and creating our own artwork. We will also explore our family trees. Watch out for any letters asking for your help!
Please visit our individual class pages to see our learning in progress.
Miss Lockyer and Miss Ricart.
Start time: 8:40
Be prompt- our learning starts from 8.45 am
Lunch time: 12:00 - 1:00
Finish time: 3:15
PE Day: Tuesday. Please come to school in your PE kit on Tuesdays - black tracksuit bottoms/ shorts, white t-shirt and black trainers /plimsolls.
Other important things to consider:
- Large plastic wallet (phonics) and small plastic wallet (Basic Knowledge-numbers and high frequency words) in class EVERY DAY .
- Library books will be changed every other week.
- Reading Records and reading books come home and are changed on Fridays. Please read with your child for a minimum of 10 minutes per day - sign their record to show how proud you are of them
- Bring a book bag every day.
- Bring a water bottle every day.
Remember to label ALL of your child's belongings with their name and class to help us minimise lost property. Please send in a bag with a spare clothes for your child to keep in class.
If your child is having a school dinner, please spend some time discussing the options with them so they can say what they would like in the morning.
ICT Links to help with learning:
Please use the links below to support your learning at home.
ICT Games: A selection of games for learning - please make sure you choose games ideal for your child's age to enhance their learning.
TEACH YOUR MONSTER TO READ is an interactive reading game. With the help of friendly monsters, the game helps children to learn sounds and develop their reading skills. You will need to create a free account to access.
BBC Early Years English: