Welcome to 3T
The Body
In Science we looked at the human body and the different bones we have. We made a skeleton and labelled the body parts. We looked what a balanced diet is and created a healthy menu.
Healthy Eating
We designed our own healthy sandwiches and then we had to work together to shop online to buy what we needed within a budget.
In PSHE we have looked at what bullying is and discussed different ways that children could be bullied. We also looked at the different ways to handle situations and help each other. We have a display in school that that shows our work. These photos were examples we made of people being bullied. Can you work out how they could show bullying?
Making Bracelets
Within our work on the Stone Age, we looked at what people wore. We tried to create similar bracelets to ones they wore using straws instead of bones.
Cave Paintings
We looked at photos of different cave paintings that have been discovered to tell us about life in the Stone Age and tried to recreate some of our own. We used charcoal and placed the paper on the wall when we drew our animals and figures.
After looking at cave paintings, we studied the artist Banksy who also leaves his artwork on walls. We looked at the The Girl with a Balloon and tried to recreate it. We wanted to use his technique of using stencils so we made our own simple stencils and then instead of using spray paint, we used charcoal and chalk to make our own versions.
Christmas Jumper day!
It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, everywhere we go!
Stone Age Pottery
Following on from our Stone Age topic we designed and made some clay pottery.
Sewing Techniques
We have been learning different sewing techniques. We have learnt the Back Stitch, Running Stitch, Over Stitch and The Blanket Stitch. Which one is your favourite?