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Primary School

Resilience to Achieve - Aspiration to Succeed

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Unit 1

Perform with clear intention and meaning 

Perform set patterns with knowledge and understanding of their meaning 

Work collaboratively in small and large groups

Comment upon appropriate actions 

Value the contributions that dance makes to different cultures. 

Explore improvise and combine movement ideas fluently and effectively 

Begin to use basic compositional principles when creating their dance 

Evaluate refine and develop their own and other’s work 

Prepare effectively for dancing. 


Unit 2

Work creatively and imaginatively on their own and with a partner 

Perform expressively and sensitively to accompaniment 

Perform dances fluently and with control 

Observe and evaluate their own and other’s dances 

Warm up and cool down independently 

Explore improvise and combine movement ideas fluently and effectively 

Create and structure phrases and sections of a dance

Begin to use basic compositional principles when creating dances 

Evaluate refine and develop their own and others work. 


Unit 3

Explore improvise and combine movement ideas fluently and effectively 

Create and structure motifs phrases sections and whole dances 

Begin to use basic compositional principles when creating their dances 

Evaluate refine and develop their own and others work. 

Perform with expression and show clear understanding of the dance 

Demonstrate initial movement responses

Demonstrate ability to translate ideas into symbolic movement 

Demonstrate the ability to change and vary the space and use of dynamics 

Understand the cultural context of the dance. 


Unit 4

Perform with expression and show clear understanding of the dance 

Demonstrate the ability to translate ideas into symbolic movement 

Show confidence in including personal responses in relation to observation. 

  • “I am very happy with Leys. My daughter’s progress at this school is amazing, I think the teachers are amazing.” (Parent)
  • “I’m starting to love this school! You all have made such great progress and I urge you: Keep up the great work!” (Parent)
  • “The Leys Primary School is a happy and caring place.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils are considerate of each other’s happiness.” (OFSTED)
  • An outstanding learning environment. All the children were engaged with their learning. A very friendly staff. (Borough Adviser)
  • “Pupils behave well in lessons and are respectful and polite around the school.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils respond well to the high expectations of the school.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils enjoy learning and are rightly proud of their work.” (OFSTED)