After lockdown we knew we would take a while to adjust to new routines, new classrooms and new teachers. We have used Here We Are book to discuss our experiences, feelings and help adjust to new normals.
Have a look through at the work we've been doing.
Hello Yellow
Human Body
To start our human body topic, we had to draw around one of our team and then label as many body parts as we can name. We named many muscles, bones and joints.
As part of our PSHE we have been taking part in DIALLs lessons with the University of Cambridge. One of our lessons was to form a democracy, all come up with our own ideas for a new class rule, take part in an anonymous vote and then implement the rule.
The winner was Scarlett's rule which was to complete 5 minutes of yoga at the end of lunch to prepare for the afternoon lesson.
Home Learning
There are lots of different things you can be working on at home to help you keep up with your learning. You have your basic knowledge wallets with individual spellings, times tables and number bonds in there as well as a reading book within your reading range. You have your vocabulary books too which can help develop your language - ensure you know what the words mean and can be used in the correct way. Remember your Bug Club and TT Rockstars which is specific for you as well!
Here are links to websites to keep you up to speed as well!