The Primary Curriculum focuses on what children should know and be able to do at each key stage. (Please refer to our ‘Curriculum’ section on our website for more detail). In 2014, the government removed ‘level descriptors’ from the National Curriculum; schools now use their own assessment systems to track attainment & progress.
At Leys Primary, we have in place rigorous but sensitive systems for formative (in-process) and summative (termly) assessment which track pupils’ performance and informs next steps in learning. We ensure that each child receives a range of opportunities to reach and exceed expected standards.
We ‘quality assure’ our assessments through regular training, sharing teacher expertise, regular monitoring and cross-schools, external and Borough moderation. Our termly assessment schedule ensures we have high expectations of all pupils and that we:
1. Establish attainment & track progress for each pupil
2. Identify gaps in knowledge & skills to inform future planning & teaching
3. Revise personal pupil targets to address individuals’ priorities
4. Use pupil progress meetings to acknowledge successes & establish the necessary additional support/interventions/boosting required for under-achievers to reach expected standards by the end of the academic year
5. Report accurately to parents their child’s achievements and next steps
Teachers use formative assessment in their classrooms every day. Formative assessment includes sharing targets and criteria with pupils, and giving them feedback while they are working towards those targets. The purpose is to help pupils understand how to improve.
Nationally Reported Assessment Results
SATs tests will reflect assessment of the national curriculum at the end of the Key Stage 1 & 2 (Y2 & 6). Writing will be judged through reported teacher assessment against national frameworks and the reading, grammar spelling and punctuation and maths tests will be externally marked with a score on a standardised scale, ranging from 80 to 130. A score of 100 is the expected outcome at the end of Year 6, indicating that children are ready for secondary school.
Phonics Screening Checks take place in Year 1 & 2
Early Years & Foundation Stage assessments are on-going; at the end of reception, teacher assessments and analysed to produce the ‘Good Level of Development’ standard.
Y4 pupils will take part in the national ‘Multiplication Tables Check’ We place much importance on the acquisition & accurate use of Basic Knowledge:
At Home
- Use your child's vocabulary booklet to practise reading, spelling and discussing subject vocabulary
- Use your child’s flashcards with them to help them acquire basic knowledge in number fact recall (number bonds and times tables), and reading and spelling of common words.
- To be successful, children must know what they are supposed to do, written in language they can understand. Ask your child to explain their number and writing targets and homework tasks. Please do not hesitate to ask the teacher if you have any queries/concerns.
- Listen to your child read every day.
- With any home practice, when your child asks for feedback, be specific. Tell them what they did well and what try to suggest what could be improved.
Please refer to our homework policy for weekly expectations.