Final information and reminders 12/1/22
Leys Primary School Residential Trip 2022
Important information:
- Complete a lateral flow test before arriving at school and arrive with proof via a text or email.
- When you arrive at the school, please keep a safe distance from other adults and wear a face mask when entering the school hall.
- Any medicine that the child needs must be clearly labelled with their name and dosage; then handed to a member of staff on the day of departure.
- If your child needs travel sickness pills then make sure there are enough for two journeys a day and that they have already taken them for the journey on the Monday.
- Place all of your child’s medicine inside one bag to pass on to staff; do not place it inside their suitcase.
- Remember to label clothes.
- Only send clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.
- If children pack their bags, they will know exactly what they have (a list is often very useful).
- Make sure children have all the essentials for the bathroom and night time.
- Pack one large bag/suitcase and have a smaller bag for the journey.
- If children want some spending money for Trewern souvenirs the maximum amount of spending money is £10.
- Place money inside an envelope with their name written on it and the amount inside. Pass the money on to a member of staff. This can also be passed on to Miss Ghani or the school office this week. Children will not have the opportunity to spend money elsewhere.
- Children will not be allowed to bring mobile phones on the trip. Any phones will be looked after and not returned until we get back.
- Children may bring cameras (disposable ones are best).
- Electronic equipment is not to be brought at all.
- We will be leaving from school at 7:30am on Monday 17th January.
- Children should have a decent breakfast before they arrive at school.
- Children need to bring a packed lunch for the journey; this needs to be in their smaller bag. Please pack appropriate food for the journey and no fizzy drinks. They may also have books, magazines, notepads etc to keep them occupied for the journey.
- Arrive at school between 6:30am and 7:00am. We will meet in the school hall.
- We will not be able to wait for people who are late.
- We are aiming to return to school on Friday 21st January in time for the end of the school day. We will keep the school informed of any delays. You can also check the school website for journey updates – These will be on the Friday page in the Trewern section.
- If you need to get a message to your child then phone the school, who will contact Trewern on your behalf.
- If any contact details have changed make sure you inform us.
- Children will soon become so involved in activities that you will miss them more than they will miss you.
- If a child leaves upset it can affect many other children, make your goodbyes happy ones.
- Children will be expected to make their own bed. Your child should be able to do this before they leave.
- We will try to keep you posted with activities through the school website as often as possible.
To bring in on the day of departure – have it available when you enter the school hall:
Spending money in an envelope
Packed lunch
Medicines in a bag
Lateral flow negative test results