Christmas Jumper Day
We took part in Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day on 12th December and raised money for a very worthy charity! This has got us in the festive spirit!
Children in Need
In support of the charity, we helped raise money by coming to school in pyjamas and bringing our teddies.
Shadow Investigation
We spent time exploring with torches to find out how shadows change as torches move closer and further from the light. We then linked this to real life and thought about the sun being a light source and how our shadows would change across the course of a day.
Body Percussion in the round
Here you can see our music lesson where we were singing in different parts still using the street scene as a stimulus. We used body percussion for keeping the rhythm and focused on varying beats and rhythms of lyrics to sounds.
Performance Poetry
For Black History Month, we have been studying poems from The Caribbean and looking at emotions and language used within them to convey the feelings through poetry. Here are some still images of our performance poetry of 'Who will save the dying man?' which we have been working on.
Art Sculptures
We have been studying Alberto Giacometti and his art work and how it changed over his life time. As part of this, we made our own sculptures inspired by his work out of modroc and then painted in his style colours, you can see them here.
We have taken part in our first science experiment where we were investigating blood vessels. We had plastic cups with different sized holes in them which were representing arteries, veins, capillaries and a blocked artery. We explored the speed at which water could leave the cup which was representing how blood can flow through our blood vessels at different speeds.