Year 5
Welcome to year 5!
We are currently studying a science unit called Comparing Planets which is our biggest science unit of this school year! It involves lots of investigating into space and the universe around us. We will be looking at how people discovered these planets and how we know everything we know today and how we might learn even more in the future. We will also be completing some music pieces. Keep an eye on our pages to see updates of our work as well as some experiences we are having!
Important information
- Please bring your basic knowledge wallet and AR reading book in every morning.
- P.E day is on a Friday so please come to school with the correct P.E kit on.
- Homework will be given on a Friday for it to be completed the following Friday.
- Please encourage your child to read every day. After reading with your child please write a comment in the comments section to let us know how they got on.
- You will need to sign your child's reading record to let us know that you have read with them at home. We would like to see this at least three times each week.
As we complete work, we will be adding photos and information to the school website, please check our class pages for updates. Thank you for your support.
Look how much money we managed to raise for Queen's Hospital Charities!
Home Learning
Have a go at some of these if you are unable to attend school or as some extra learning at home!
Year 5 and 6 Athletics Team competed at a Borough competition in May. It was the finale to weeks of training and preparation! Have a look through some of our action pictures!