Welcome back to Summer Term.
This term it is our turn for the 'Resilience trail - a fact finding poster trail set up in school where we personally discover and relate to our six personal goals of RAMCAR (Resilience, Aspiration, Morality, Cooperation, Adaptability and Respect).
Our theme for Summer 1 is 'Railway'. Subjects will include history, art and DT. History will involve learning the chronlogy of the railway and learning through different source information. Art will involve learning the sill of capturing movement and using perspective and DT will involve learning about links and linkages within mechanical movement.
English will concentrate on journalistic writing skills.
Maths will continue with decimals before moving onto money.
Computing will explore using the programmes of Inkscape and Scratch to complete Tessellating art.
Welcome back for the Spring Term. Well done for the resilience shown so far.
Our Theme for the first part of this term is 'Where in the World' and this will be Geography focussed including understanding fieldwork and the local area but will also include some Music, Art and Design & Technology.
Our second theme will be Sound and we will investigate the science and explore different sounds produced within music as well.
English will focus on narrative writing techniques.
Maths will continue to explore multiplication & division then area. Before moving onto fractions and decimals.
Computing will be about becoming effective bloggers before exploring an online music creation programme.
Monday 20th December 2021 - Please go to Google Classroom to see the following message and to access the links.
Merry Christmas Year 4...ask an adult to read this message to you so you understand your tasks.
....We are so sorry that we did not get to have our last day (and end of year party!) with you. We will have to make sure that we hold an even bigger and better party next time!
So here are the tasks that we have set for you to complete today - you can complete them in any order that you wish - remember you can complete them online or on paper (take a photo and send - we would love to see it) - or even just talk to an available adult.
30 mins - Reading (book, bug club, MyOn)
30 mins - Times table Practice (Basic Knowledge Wallet; TT Rockstars, including battle)
then.....pick some activities from the following tasks
- Complete any of the sheets that you took home (maintain a high standard please)
- Science - solids, liquids and gases - watch the videos, complete the quizzes and tell an adult what you know and have found out.
- Handwriting and Performance - Create a beautiful poem for Winter that can be placed on your fridge door with pride and then perform to your family.
- Christmas Quiz - complete the quiz (challenge your family)
- Christmas top mark games (English and Maths please).
- spelling quiz
- times tables quiz
- Create a winter picture - add a much detail as you can and write description on the back.
And...I know it doesn't make up for missing our party but....explore Christmas with Cbbc.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
We will see you on our return.
Miss Lockyer, Mr De la Cruz, Miss Egan and Miss Jackson.
Christmas activities
Class Information
Both Classes:
PE on Thursdays
Homework will go out and be returned on Thursdays (Google Classroom).
Class Teacher: Mr. De la Cruz
Shared Teaching Assistant: Miss Egan
Class Teacher: Miss Lockyer
Shared Teaching Assistant: Miss Egan
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Jackson
Autumn 1
Welcome back everyone for the new school year- well done for settling in so quickly and being ready for new learning.
Our Theme for the first part of the Autumn Term is 'The Web of Life'.
This will be Science based and focus on the study of living things but will also include some Geography.
English will focus on a text about environmental issues.
Maths will be number focused- particularly Place Value.
Computing will include Online Safety as well as developing programs.
We will also be looking at the Autumn Festivals that occur in different Faiths.
Black History Month- October
We will be looking at historical figures important to Black British History during October.
Feel free to share your ideas of anyone you think we need to learn about.
Autumn 2
This half term we are learning under the topic heading 'Time, Place and Us' - including Geography (The world and location knowledge), History (The Romans) Music (Food and Drink - Call and Response).
We are also going to be completing a Science unit called Solid, Liquid and Gas (exploring states of matter).
Within computing we are being 'Makers' and programming Micro-Bit computers.
Our English focus has been diary writing and biography writing using the text 'Counting on Katherine'.
In Maths, we have continued with White Rose and learning about addition and subtraction, measure and multiplication and division.
Lastly, we are exploring the Bible in RE and thinking about kindness and respect within PHSE.
As you can see - we are eager to learn - come and ask us about our favourite piece of learning and knowledge!