Unit 1
To identify and use different body parts to balance on and know which combinations produce stable or unstable bases
To balance and show specific planned body shapes
To move into and from balances with control and accuracy
To create a sequence on balance showing planned variations in shape,
Speed and levels
Unit 2
To understand how different body parts are capable of transferring and receiving body weight
To move into and from a range of skills with control and accuracy
To create sequences showing contrasts in shape, speed and level
To move and construct their own apparatus and transfer work safely from the floor
Unit 3
To move into and from specific planned balances with an awareness of change of front
To identify and use planned variations in direction
Create a sequence with a partner on floor and apparatus to show changes of front and direction
Observe and describe the movements of others using appropriate language
Unit 4
To rotate and roll on different body parts
To rotate and roll in different directions showing different shapes sizes and speeds
To create a sequence with a partner on floor and apparatus using a variety of linking movements
To observe the work of others and make judgements against given criteria