Welcome to Year 2
We are all having a great time this year and learning lots of new things!!
Our topic for the first half term was Living Things. We have learnt about animals and their habitats, food chains and lifecycles. We have also learnt about plants, and we planted our own seeds, and we are watching them grow. We thought about humans and how to look after ourselves and stay healthy.
Our topic for the next half term is Toys Now and Then. We will be looking at different toys, thinking about how they are made and the difference between toys now and toys from Victorian times. We will be making different puppets in a variety of ways.
Our topic for Spring has been all about transport and travel. We have covered History, Geography, Design and technology and Art and design within this topic. We looked at how transport has changed over time and went on a school trip to Valance House where we learnt a lot about what transport used to be like in Dagenham and the surrounding areas. We have looked at maps and discussed the united Kingdom, the seven continents of the world and home countries. We designed, made and evaluated our own moving vehicles. We have also looked at some famous artists and created some work in their different styles.
We have P.E on a Monday and children should be coming to school in P.E kit (please see school uniform guidance).
Reading books will be changed when they are signed and returned to school. Children should be reading at least 3 times a week and each time the book should be signed separately.
All children have a basic knowledge wallet which they should be practicing at home. This wallet contains their spellings and times tables that they need to learn. This wallet should be returned to school every day for the children to use from 8:45 to 9:00.
In the reading record is a login sheet which gives login details for Bug Club (active learn) and TTROCKSTARS.