Outdoor and Adventurous
To work closely with a partner
To be sensitive to a partner when negotiating obstacle
To work co-operatively as a team to solve a problem
To respond positively to a challenge within a group situation
To use tactics to respond to increasing pressures and limits
To widen pupil’s physical development and sensory experiences
To develop communication co-operation and timing
To encourage co-ordination and listening skills
To extend upper body strength and manipulative skills
To teach keeping the map orientated
To practise thumbing the map
To become familiar with the local surroundings and associated map
To work co-operatively as a team leader to solve a problem
To use communication carefully
To work co-operatively
To use memory skills
To start to recognize symbols used on maps
To communicate clearly with a team
To interpret instructions with care and precision
To develop strategies for working as a team to cover a distance