Welcome to 1I!
Welcome back to a new school year. We have settled in well and have been learning our new routines.
We have PE on a Monday and children will need to make sure they come wearing their kit.
We will change reading books after your child has read 3 times and the book has been signed 3 times too.
Homework will be sent home on a Friday and needs to be returned by Thursday the following week.
Basic knowledge folders should be brought to school everyday and the children need to be practising them at home with you. Once they are able to read and spell the words, we will change them.
This term we are looking at free-standing structures in Design and Technology. These are structures that are able to stand on their own. When you are walking to school with your child, ask them to point out any that they can see.
In science we are looking at different animals and talking about their characteristics. This is one of our key vocabulary words. Can your child tell you what it means?
Design and Technology
Science - Animal visit
As part of our Science topic, All about Animals, we had a visit from the Exotic Explorers. They came to show us some large Cockroaches, a salamander, some rabbits, two bearded dragons and a white barn owl. The children were able to talk about the different animals and had the chance to hold them to see how they felt. We learnt lots of new information and enjoyed seeing the barn owl fly over our heads.
Conductive Music
We took part in a Conductive Music workshop which involved using technology to compose, edit and create a piece of music. Children gained an understanding of how electricity can help make music.
Chinese New Year
We have been looking at the different ways to celebrate Chinese New Year. We have had a go at dancing using parasols and a dragon. It was fun to listen to the music and learn new moves. We also tasted stir fry noodles and vegetables. We enjoyed listening to the sounds the food made when they were cooking in the wok. They tasted even better! We have used our adjectives to write about a dragon and describe what it looked like.