2. Curriculum Development Framework
Our Ambitious, Contextualised & Broad and Balanced Curriculum
Our curriculum at Leys Primary School prioritises children’s acquisition of basic knowledge (e.g. number facts & subject specific vocabulary) and development of key skills, in a range of well-considered cross-curricular contexts.
Our school motto, ‘Resilience to Achieve; Aspiration to Succeed’ is at the centre of the school’s culture, ethos & collective vision.
We ensure a purposeful, safe & happy learning environment with high expectations and high standards through:
Our teachers’ 4 core values for effective teaching & learning (C.A.V.E.): CONTEXTUALISING, Adaptation, Vocabulary use & first-hand Experiences.
Our pupils’ 6 personal development goals:
Resilience; Aspiration; Morality; Co-operation; Adaptability & Respect.