IMPORTANT: Spring Break Testing & Summer Term Protocols Adjustments
Dear Parents & Carers, IMPORTANT: Spring Break Testing & Summer Term Protocols Adjustments
Firstly, thank you for continuing to help keep our school and community as safe as possible during these challenging times. We know that Public Health England expect there to be an increase in COVID cases after the spring break because of increased community mixing - this may result in classes closing and remote learning resuming. However, if we follow the Government rules about distancing, mask wearing and mixing, we are optimistic that we will fully re-open on 19th April.
Testing for Pupils who do Not Have Symptoms
If you or your child tests positively with a PCR test from 2nd – 7th April, please ring the school office BETWEEN 3PM & 5PM to report this result.
Y5 & 6 Change of Entry & Exit Times.
It has been acknowledged that our protocols around entry and exit are robust and, in general, Covid rates have significantly reduced, so we are now able to adjust the Y5 & 6 times - from 19th April onwards:
· Y5 will begin the day at 9.00 and finish at 3.10
· Y6 will begin the day at 9.10 and finish at 3.20
This should help families with children in different year groups. It is imperative that your children arrive on time and leave on time to ensure safe transitions with no hold ups, which will cause safety issues. We will be working at capacity and latecomers & late pick-ups will present severe logistical challenges, which will affect everyone.
On entering and exiting, adhere to government social distancing rules – keep your distance from others, masks for adults on entry to school premises compulsory unless medically exempt
- Staff cannot stop to talk to parents dropping off or picking up their children (queries/messages must be dealt with by telephoning the school office)
- ADULTS COLLECTING CHILDREN MUST BE ON THE RECORDED CONTACT LIST – any adult collecting a child who is not Mum/Dad/carer must, on approaching the teacher, call their name, so the teacher can check the list before releasing the child (this adult must bring photo ID for verification)
The start and finish times below are as before except Y5 & 6
NURSERY AM 19.4.21 8.30 11.30 LEYS AVENUE
NURSERY PM 19.4.21 12.30 3.30 LEYS AVENUE
REC 19.4.21 8.50 3:00 LEYS AVENUE
Y1 19.4.21 8.40 2.50 LEYS AVENUE
Y2 19.4.21 8.50 3.00 WELLINGTON DRIVE (FIELD)
Y3 19.4.21 8.30 2.40 WELLINGTON DRIVE (FIELD)
Y4 19.4.21 8.40 2.50 WELLINGTON DRIVE (FIELD)
Y5 19.4.21 9.00 3.10 WELLINGTON DRIVE (FIELD)
Y6 19.4.21 9.10 3.20 WELLINGTON DRIVE (FIELD)
Book Bags - It is recognised that the reduction of items being brought into school has helped safety. We are aware that some of our temporary book bags are becoming worn – in this instance, we will allow personal bags to be brought in from 19th April but please ensure bags are not over-sized and they contain only: reading books, reading records, basic knowledge wallets, vocabulary books, password & login details & homework.
Have a safe and enjoyable two weeks!
Leys’ Senior Management Team