Re: End of Term Thursday 17th December & Christmas Celebrations
Re: End of Term Thursday 17th December & Christmas Celebrations
Following advice from the Government published 8.12.20, and after much consideration, we are writing to inform you that the last day of term will be Thursday the 17th December (leaving times remain the same for each year group, as they have been since September). Friday will be used for on-line staff training.
‘Public Health England has agreed a 6 day window after the final day of teaching in which schools and further education providers are asked to remain contactable so they can assist with contact tracing where necessary’. Consequently, we are required to report if your child tests positive for Covid 19, between 18th and 23rd December – if this happens, in the first instance, email the school office with your child’s name, class, date of birth and a screen shot/photo of the test result. If it is not possible to email, call on the above number (BETWEEN 3PM AND 5PM - we will only be accepting calls for positive test reporting). Their class mates’ parents/carers may be informed that they may be required to isolate for 14 days.
We appreciate this announcement comes at short notice and hope it does not cause too much inconvenience.
After a challenging term, as we approach this unique holiday period, we thank you for your support in helping keep our school site safe and for encouraging your children’s engagement.
Given the priority of minimising the risk of Covid transmission we must ask you not to send anything additional into school with your child, including:
cards or presents
food (class parties will still take place and we will ensure they are fun, with a special pantomime included!)
Christmas Jumper Day is Friday 11th December and Christmas dinner is Wednesday 16th (when Christmas jumpers can be worn again!).
With adult adherence to government restrictions and the forthcoming vaccinations, we are hoping 2021 celebrations can eventually run as usual!
Thank you for your understanding. Have a peaceful and enjoyable break.
Yours faithfully,
Mr G Krog
Head Teacher