January 2021 Update
Dear Parents /Carers
You would have heard by now that primary schools in our Authority will not be opening on 5 January 2021 except for those pupils of Key Workers and those that are vulnerable, as we have been identified from the contingency framework list and will not be able to open fully yet.
The Government classification of Critical Key Workers includes :
- Health and social care
- Education staff and childcare workers
- Key public services - essential to justice system, funeral directors
- Local and national government
- Food and other necessary goods
- Public safety and national security
- Transport
- Utilities and financial services
If as a parent/Carer your job falls within the critical categories above you should confirm with your employer that, based on their business continuity arrangements, your specific role is necessary for the continuation of this essential public service. This is an extensive list and we ask parents and carers to consider very carefully whether they use the educational establishment for on-site provision
Once you have considered this could you please inform the office of your intention to send you child to school on Tuesday 5 January 2021by phoning 02082706470 between 10 am and 2 PM ON MONDAY 4 JANUARY 2021 so that we can plan accordingly.
Pupils on the vulnerable list will be contacted on Monday during the same times to establish if they will be attending.
Additional information will be shared via the school website on Monday afternoon.
Kind regards,
G Krog