School Logo


Primary School

Resilience to Achieve - Aspiration to Succeed

Contact Details



Welcome to year 1! We are so excited for our year ahead!

Important information

Please bring your basic knowledge wallet in every morning.

P.E day is on a Tuesday so please come to school with the correct P.E kit on. 

Homework will be given on a Friday for it to be completed the following Friday.

Please try to read everyday! After reading with your child please write a comment in the comments section to let us know how they got on.

You will need to sign your child's reading record to let us know that you have read with them at home.  This lets us know that they are ready for a new book and we will change it.

Monday 20th December 2021- Remote learning


Here are some useful websites for you to access at home today. 

All logins can be found in your red reading record.

Useful websites to access at home.


Bug Club-


Oak Academy -


Google Classroom-


ARA Quiz -


Phonics Play -







The more we come to school the more opportunities we have to learn. On Friday's we will be celebrating all those who have 100% attendance throughout the week. We have a group assembly and hold a raffle picking one child from 1T and 1SH. They will also be bringing Mr Sloth home for the weekend. Please help your child take care of Mr Sloth and encourage them to write in the class book and lots of photos. 

On Thursday, 6th January 2020 we had a music workshop (via Zoom). The children really enjoyed making their own songs (using Song Maker) and making music through Art (using Kandinsky). Have a go at home! (They don’t need an account, just open Chrome Music Lab on a web browser to play.)

  • “I am very happy with Leys. My daughter’s progress at this school is amazing, I think the teachers are amazing.” (Parent)
  • “I’m starting to love this school! You all have made such great progress and I urge you: Keep up the great work!” (Parent)
  • “The Leys Primary School is a happy and caring place.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils are considerate of each other’s happiness.” (OFSTED)
  • An outstanding learning environment. All the children were engaged with their learning. A very friendly staff. (Borough Adviser)
  • “Pupils behave well in lessons and are respectful and polite around the school.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils respond well to the high expectations of the school.” (OFSTED)
  • “Pupils enjoy learning and are rightly proud of their work.” (OFSTED)